What's in it for my child?

Balanced Babies offers you a whole package if you want it. Just by attending a regular group you are already gaining access to a wonderful place of peaceful, mindful attention - perfect for your little one and perfect for you.

Parent-child groups also offer room for children to grow into themselves - through play and through interaction with other children. Whether your child is busy or more reserved, there's space for them to explore the environment at their own, self-chosen pace. And while they are playing, we adults are watching what they can already do and noticing each new competency as it arises. 


What's in it for me?

While your child is playing, we adults are watching what they can do already and noticing each new competency as it arises. How often do you get to do that at home? In my experience, we either become involved in the play at home or use the time our child is playing to get our work done. Neither of these are wrong, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to take the time to really see, with fresh eyes?