Balanced Beings

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How to Raise Children in the Moment - Naturally

The Natural Unfolding of Human Beings – Nature and Nurture

What if we could take our focus away from what our children are going to be when they grow up and instead focused on who they are now?

By learning How to Be a Parent, carer or teacher who nurtures the unfolding human being in the present, we not only serve our children better, but we also get to positively influence the world around us.

If we can avoid shaping and moulding the child but instead provide the environment and all-important connection that every human needs in order to unfold into their potential, we will raise self-aware, connected and trusting human beings.

As adults, we strive to do our best in each moment. And as human beings already influenced by our own childhood experiences and later adversity, we can choose not to pass on too much of the baggage that our experiences have left us carrying.

The work that I and others are doing aims to assist you in that.

Dr Anna Tardos, Child Psychologist and Former President of the Pikler Institute, Hungary, once said, “Peace begins on the changing table.”

Respectful care of infants – from those most intimate moments of nappy changing and dressing to an understanding of self-chosen play and free, natural movement development – promotes peace; peace at home, and peace in our communities.

Growing up with the knowledge that your body is your own, that you can say “NO” when you want to, that eating is a pleasure to be looked forward to, that your needs are important, and that you are enough just as you are – well, who wouldn’t want that for themselves or their children?

Our role as parents, carers and teachers is to guide, nurture and love our children so that they can explore who they are and the possibilities that life offers from a place of safety and security.

From learning to turn over to those first wobbly steps, the innate urges to unfold and be like other humans already inspires them, naturally. Add to that the natural curiosity every human being is born with and you have the potential for extraordinary learning.

If we can give them the time and space to discover these things for themselves, we are teaching our children the greatest lessons in life from their earliest days!  

  • We’re teaching them that they are capable.

  • We’re teaching them that we accept them for who they are – that they are perfect already.

  • We’re teaching them that when something is difficult, they can try and try again until they achieve their goal.

  • And, we are teaching them that we are all equal.

As adults, of course, we are the caretakers – making sure that we model what we wish to see and creating safe, loving environments, with safe, loving boundaries.

But as human beings, we are equal.

If you can accept that premise as being a possibility, this work is for you.

Come and join me online for my NEW online parenting course - How to Be a (Good Enough) Parent - beginning this September.